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About me,

an eternal beginner

I am of the age where, if I’d started earlier, I would be of the old guard. But I didn’t and so, I am new to many things. Blogging being one of them.

I have waited a long time for many things. Always hiding behind a good excuse.

And now, it is really hard, because I am not young any more. I have responsibilities. Fixed costs and all that fun stuff that living in a capitalistic society brings with it.

No degree, no nothing. Just a pile of experiences. Some artifacts from lives lived and a big bag of dreams.

Opening the valve slowly. After all these years. Lots of thoughts and pressure to let it all out. The artist life. That could have been. Should have been? I am not sure.

So I am opening the valve. Here is the output.

Now you’re probably thinking, why am I even reading this? How did I get here? And you’re right. You came to the small and humble corner of the internet of an otherwise insignificant existence on this planet.

Just as insignificant as anyone else. So I might just as well document my experience. Because, if not me, who will?

And the kids might have questions later.